Chocolate Truffles, My Sweet?

     What woman, or man for that matter, wouldn't enjoy receiving a box of these decadent truffles.
Melt-in-your-mouth and truly indulgent little pieces of comfort. That's what they are for me. And the flavor possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

Easy Chocolate Truffles

1 1/2 cups good quality dark chocolate, chopped
1/2 cup heavy cream
2 tablespoons liqueur of choice

Choices For Coating:
2 cups melted chocolate,
1 cup sifted powdered sugar,
1 cup sifted cocoa powder,
1 cup finely chopped nuts, or
1 cup chocolate sprinkles

1. Heat up heavy cream in a saucepan until barely simmering about 80°C.
2. Pour cream over chopped chocolate pieces. Leave for 2 minutes.
3. Stir mixture until you get a smooth sauce.
4. Stir in flavoring liqueur.
5. Chill covered until set and can be handled by hand.
6. Make 1 inch balls and roll into your choice of coating.
